A couple of months ago I ripped a kitchen cabinet door off it’s hinges. I wasn’t raging mad or anything, I just apparently don’t know my own strength. We joked about my hulk strength, but in reality the hinges were loose and it had nothing to do with my own strength!
When we think of fighting evil our minds often go to superheroes. They use their special powers to fight the evil villains who are lurking all around. The superheroes save humanity from the sinister plans of the villains in the nick of time.
In the real world there aren’t villains dressed in themed costumes and weird face paint. But, there is evil. We can’t deny that evil exists in our world. Turn on the nightly news for five minutes and you’ll hear about somebody arrested for child abuse or another gas station robbery. Hate and revenge exist in every neighborhood in every country. Evil is real. But I’m not a superhero. I don’t have super strength or the ability to swoop in and save every innocent bystander. Sometimes the evil in our world is so overwhelming we feel powerless. Because of the internet, we see images of war on the other side of the globe but we are powerless. We can’t step into the phone booth, put on a cape and fly over there to fix it.
But, what if you don’t have to have superpowers to fight evil. What if there are ways to fight evil right where we are. What if God wants us to fight evil and in fact has equipped us to to just that. Romans 12: 21 says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Good is not just the opposite of evil, but good is evil’s kryptonite. Doing good weakens evil. Good can be done in both small and big ways. Holding a door for a stranger, giving a warm smile, volunteering, loving our children well, are ways to do good daily. Speaking the truth, giving generously, taking on a leadership role in your community, and praying bold prayers are all literal blows to the power of evil.
Part of my blog will be dedicated to bringing awareness of the evil in our world, but not to be consumed by it or wallow in despair, but to point to the hope that comes when regular people fight against the evil and refuse be overcome by it, instead overcoming evil with good.